This is the walkway that goes out into the sea a bit. Maybe boats dock here, too.
City hall:
Action Van:
I also took some pictures of the area around my resort. It's very villagey, labyrinthine, and cramped. One could easily get lost (I didn't much of a chance for that, as I spent most of my time on tours or at the beach a few miles away).
This used to be a nightclub, according to a sign. I guess they closed. There is a disco nearby that runs late into Saturday night, which disturbs some people's sleep, but only on Saturday.
This shop is right next door. I bought that purple sarong, and a green one, and some other stuff. The old chick who was there wouldn't bargain with me, but I still got everything for like five bucks apiece.
This is a woman shaving a coconut:
I am very busy. Taiwan in one week, Hawaii in two weeks, England in one month.
I frigging had to drop my water bottle on my stupid kitchen table a whole year after I moved into this place and break the stupid pane of glass on top, which is going to cost me eighty bucks to replace.