Saturday, March 29, 2008

Dressing Rooms

I didn't mention the dressing rooms in my whole spiel about shopping over here. They're really worth noting, I think. As I was looking over what I wrote in this entry, I noticed I had typed "worth nothing" the first time, which is kind of an appropriate mistake.

They're not heavily guarded, for one thing. And they're also not isolated. There's one here, one there. They're built into columns around the store. Sometimes employees show customers to them and help them, but not always. I haven't been helped.

And they are kind of inadequate. Most of them have the mirrors on the outside, so if you're a woman trying on a bra or a bathing suit, you're SOL. They also don't have locks, and there doesn't seem to be a way to indicate that there is someone inside. I've been walked in on two out of three times I've used them. Most people don't bother to knock. There is typically only one hook inside, as well, so you have to put your own clothes and stuff on the floor.

Of course, it's also worth noting that the dressing rooms I've used have been at discount stores. They may be ultraluxurious and superfortified in the department stores. I may never know.

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