Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Foreign Ugliness Nearly Scares Toddler to DEATH

On Sunday I was walking through a store and I saw a little two- or three-year-old girl. She was at a coffee shop in the store, and hanging on to a low-backed bench, looking out the back. As I often do with little kids, I made a funny face. All I did was widen my eyes. This startled her enough, somehow, to lose her balance, fall backwards onto the seat of the bench, then start to slide head-first, on her back, toward the floor. Luckily, her father was close enough and alert enough (although he'd had his back turned on her before, naughty, naughty) to grab her and flip her back to upright. I guess I should check the balance and stability of toddlers before I look at them around here anymore.


zzzur said...

hahaha, jesus christ.. that is so funny.
i love your blog!! i'll be going to korea soon, so i've been checking out ur blog. it's fantastic, i love how u write :) u are so chill and good natured .. (very rare qualities!!) i wish you all the best when u get to england!

Alier said...

Thanks, yo. It's good to know people are still reading the old stuff and still getting something out of it.