Sunday, November 29, 2009

Japan Next Day

Well, this has got to be a short post, since I'm busier than I've ever been in my life, practically.

So day broke in Japan, and I think I was the only one in the group who got up early enough to take advantage of free breakfast. It was good--combination of Japanese and Western breakfast.

Later in the morning, the boys went out to do touristy things, and the girls went shopping. My goal was to get some sharp boots and a smart jacket, and some souvenirs or something.

Apparently there was some music festival going on that weekend, so everywhere we went there were bands playing. It was cool. Here's the nearby park where they had a lineup of bands all afternoon. We stayed and saw one band, but then there was a break for a while, and we needed lunch, so we left.

For lunch we had coffee and Italian. It was pretty good.

Next we went across the canal nearby to the little downtown area, where this tourist-helping police robot was patrolling. I also spent quite a bit of time in the Pokemon store, but I couldn't bring myself to buy anything. I probably could have spent all day in there.

We saw this band in the mall courtyard, which was decorated for Halloween. I spilled coffee on my leg.

After several hours of wandering around this mall and hitting a number of other stores along the street, I ended up with a smart jacket, but no boots. I have calves way too massive to buy boots in Asia. Le sigh...

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